Top Ten Tuesday: Words/Topics that will make you NOT pick up a book

Posted July 23, 2013 by Michael @ Knowledge Lost in Top Ten Tuesday / 26 Comments

I think I might be addicted to Top Ten Tuesday, I like joining in and having a set topic to work with. Top Ten Tuesday is a book blogger meme that is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week the theme is: Top Ten Words/Topics that will make you not pick up a book. Being a literary explorer I try to explore all books (I’ve even started reading Twilight, help!) so I have to force myself in genres and topics I would normally avoid. But I thought I might list ten examples of where I would have to force myself.

10. Non-Fiction – I don’t know why but I really need to force myself to read more.

9. Fantasy – I just can’t get into Fantasy, I find them drown out and it difficult to remember all the names, yet I’m ok with most Urban Fantasy.

8. YA/NA – I just not drawn to these books, I like John Green’s style but mostly I think they lack depth.

7. Dystopia – I’m over them, there are just too many out there.

6. Blockbuster Crime Novels – they are all the same and formulaic.

5. Long Series – I don’t want to commit to that many books.

4. Chick Lit – I don’t fit the demographic.

3. Romance – As above.

2. Erotica – As above, again.

1. Paranormal – These are normally romance titles and I’ve never seen one do anything interesting.

26 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday: Words/Topics that will make you NOT pick up a book

  1. Davs

    What you say about Blockbuster Crime Novels – they are all the same and formulaic. I totally agree. I’m always up for Sherlock Holmes but the rest really wears me out with exception to a very few. Also chick lit, romance, and erotica, no go.

  2. Andi

    Yep, I pretty much agree with you on all of these. There are a few YA authors I’m liking (John Green, Rainbow Rowell), but they’re few and far between these days. Oh, and Patrick Ness. He’s never formulaic.

  3. Yes, yes and yes again. My list would look very similar but for nonfiction. Nonfic is probably my favorite of all time. If I had to pick one genre to take with me to a desert isle that would be it 🙂

  4. missbonnie13

    Agree with quite a few of these. If there are already tons of installments in a series, it’s not likely I’ll ever pick it up. I’ll read the occasional YA but no thanks to NA. I love Urban Fantasy but have the hardest time with Fantasy too.. something about the strange names of characters and worlds and how I can never pronounce them could play a role.

  5. Ka'u hawanawana

    Oh no, I read half of those items on your list and agree with the other half, non-fiction, erotica, romance and crime novels. I like your blog.

  6. Kelly

    Non-fiction books aren’t really my thing either for some reason.
    And I totally agree with you on the long series thing. I don’t want to commit to that many books and a year long wait for each book is an EXTREMELY long wait.

  7. lectus

    Agree with all. I really don’t get paranormal, as you say, it’s just romance in a different setting.

    I run away from romance like vampires to… well I don’t know, apparently they don’t fear anything anymore….

  8. Ryan

    You should read more nonfiction. The one aspect of my reading that has changed since I’ve started blogging, is how much nonfiction I read now. I have read some wonderful books because of it.

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