ArmchairBEA 2012: Top Tips for Book Blogging

Posted June 8, 2012 by Michael @ Knowledge Lost in ArmchairBEA, Top 5 / 0 Comments

While I’m supposed to be talking about the top tips for getting beyond the blog, I think for me my blog has been my top tip. It has led me to connect with some great people and organisations within the community that do book related events and I think I’ve started to create a name for myself with that. So I thought I would focus more on the blogging side of things. I don’t want to give my top 5 tips for book blogging because I think The Oaken Bookcase did a great job doing that in a post recently so I want to give you my top five essential tools needed to be a good book blogger.

5. eReader

I know paperback books are probably better but when you are a book blogger you will run out of bookcase space quickly so an eReader is a great way to carry books easily. Also as an added bonus, places like NetGalley and Edelweiss are a great way to request digital ARCs to read and review on your blog.

4. Notepad

or anything to write notes on while reading a book. When you are reading a lot of books I’ve found it helps to write down your thoughts of a book or a new blog idea before you forget them. There are too many times in my life where I’ve had an interesting idea half way through the night and lose it in the morning.

3. Google Reader

As a blogger you want to connect with other bloggers so instead of getting bombarded with emails or having to remember to check each blog why not just add them all into your Google reader and have a central location to look at and read all the blogs you want to follow.

2. Goodreads

I know there are other book social networks like Shelfari and LibraryThing but let’s face it; Goodreads is the biggest of them all. As a book blogger you want to be able to look at what is being read by others, what is trending and what people think of the books. I’ve found all the book bloggers I follow are on Goodreads as well and it makes it easier to see what books are trending so you can get onto that book before the public. Also there is a great Aussie book blogger community as well as the Literary Exploration book club on Goodreads to join.

1. Twitter

Out of all the social networks,  for a book blogger, Twitter is the essential one. You can create lists of authors, publishers, readers and book bloggers; this way you will always have your finger on the pulse of what is happening in the world of literature. Make sure all your posts are going onto twitter as well. This is a place to network and while all the other social networks are good to have; you won’t get the same effect as you would on twitter. Keep an eye out for bookish chats on twitter as well, like #armchairBEA, and for the Australians and South Pacific, #spbkchat. Also follow me @knowledgelost

ArmchairBEA is a virtual convention for book blogger who can’t attend Book Expo America and the Book Blogger Convention. Banner by Nina of Nina Reads and button by Sarah of Puss Reboots

0 responses to “ArmchairBEA 2012: Top Tips for Book Blogging

  1. Stephanie Campisi

    Great post, and I agree with all of these, with the exception of Google reader–I use email subscriptions instead, but filter them to go into a special “blogger” folder. For some reason I find the Google reader unwieldy.

    •  I found that using email subscription was a bit too unorganised. I prefer google reader so I can look when I have time. I also use folders but obviously in google reader; so I knew which ones are more important than the others.

  2. Jillian

    I love that tip about ebooks! I completely agree: on that as well as the notebook. Cheers, and thanks for sharing these!

  3. Alba Solorzano

    So true about the eReader but there are just so much eBooks I can read before going blind :/ my main priority will always be printed books… for me they are simple irreplaceable 😛

    OOOH Twitter, the DEATH of me!! hahaha agreed on that too!!!
    OOH! I’ve always taken notes while reading…and I think I might be the only one on the face of the earth that actually highlights and writes little notes IN the books-with pencil of course- but still I write on them and most people, when finding out, almost always have heart attacks or the likes hehehehe 😀

    Goodreads! Agreed!! I am SO thankful for that site!! I’d be completely lost without it!!!
    Thanks for the tips!
    Here’s my ABEA for today! You’re welcome to stalk->

  4. Amanda @ Letters Inside Out

    Great tips!!! Having an eReader is almost required for book bloggers.

    I agree with Google Reader/feed reader! I actually use Feed Demon. It has a built-in web browser, so by clicking on the post I can see it on their blog and comment…without navigating away from the rest of my list! Really handy.

  5. I agree, Goodreads is by far the best! Plus it’s hard to maintain accounts on many different sites, so it’s easy to just pick one and stick with it.  I also use Google Reader and it’s made it so easy to follow blogs and simplify things while staying organized. Do you know if Google Reader shows that you’re following a blog to the blogger though?  I want to help out my favorite blogs by following and adding to their follow count, but Reader is so much easier to use so I just subscribe there.

  6. 90% of my reading is on the ereader, never thought I would take to it like I have. Somehow the Kindles have taken over my life and multiplied. 

    There is a pretty large Aussie presence on the Amazon Kindle discussion boards, don’t know if you have a Kindle or ever go on there. 

  7. Great list. I have a couple of Kindles but have recently started reading some books on my iPad; but I confess that I still read “real” books. The e-book readers are fantastic when I’m traveling. It’s so nice not to cart a heavy suitcase or have to ship books back and forth. 

  8. Kailana

    Even thought I have an ereader I still prefer paperbacks… That’s what I read more than anything.

  9. Thanks for the shout-out! I completely agree with you that Twitter is number 1. It gives such a great kick-start to your follower base, I have no idea how there are still people who aren’t involved with it!

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