Holiday Reading Giveaway

Posted December 2, 2013 by Michael @ Knowledge Lost in Random / 27 Comments

murder in mississippi

December is almost upon us, which means it is time to start thinking about what books to give to people and what your holiday reads are going to be. I’m pleased to announce that in celebration of the release of John Safran’s book Murder in Mississippi (see my review), Bookworld have allowed me to offer this giveaway. Not only are they offering the readers of Literary Exploration a promotional code that will give everyone 5% off all Bookworld purchases but also a chance to win a $20 voucher that can be used for any book (or CD in the store).

This is a great chance to pick up Murder in Mississippi as well as any other books you may need for the holidays. Just a reminder: Bookworld offers free shipping anywhere in Australia and you can take comfort in knowing you are buying from an Australian company.

This giveaway is only available to Australian readers but make sure you enter below. To get 5% off your Bookworld purchases, simply use the code BW-SEO14 on your next book buying spree up until the 31st of January 2014. Good luck and happy reading.

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27 responses to “Holiday Reading Giveaway

  1. Benjamin

    I haven’t read it yet, but it’s on my christmas wishlist. I’m a big Safran fan (TV shows and Radio program).

  2. Brenda Telford

    I was torn with this one. I enjoyed the story very much, but the writing style was a little difficult. Just my opinion of course..

  3. frellathon

    I haven’t read this one, i love the cover. Glad for the code but I have just received the order I placed for my Christmas order on Bookworld. Course one always needs more books lol

  4. LadyTiffany OfGlencoe

    I have been wanting to read Murder in Mississippi, I love the plot, storyline and its a must have in my book collection

  5. Allison

    have holidays coming up great time to get some reading in 🙂 i think ill enjoy this one, love a good murder/mystery book

  6. Helen

    Having seen Race Relations on ABC, I’ve been dying to read this book and have been dropping significant hints to the family though it is one of a number of books on my want list.

  7. scattley

    Given the loss of our great equaliser just this week…this book will have a resonance the author could not have predicted

  8. Michelle Buckton

    I am a huge fan on John Safran and have been very eager to read this book. This would be my perfect Xmas gift. I think I might start doing as “Helen” has been doing and start dropping some hints to the family.

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