Thoughts on Epistemology

Posted February 11, 2010 by Michael @ Knowledge Lost in Philosophy / 4 Comments

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about Epistemology (the theory of knowledge). In philosophy it is considered as one of its cornerstones; it addresses the questions:

  • What is knowledge?
  • How is knowledge acquired?
  • What do people know?
  • How do we know what we know?

I’m sure there has been much debate and focus on analyzing the nature of knowledge by great people in history. Though I’m more interested in my readers’ thoughts on it.

So please share you thoughts.

4 responses to “Thoughts on Epistemology

  1. maryjblog

    The more willing one is to admit what she does not know, the more she is likely to know. “I know it all,” or even “One thing I know for sure” are dead ends, a sure way to never know more than one thing!

    • Chazz Byron

      I found it interesting that you use the word ‘She’ almost like your saying “The He’s would never admit to not known things” 😛

      All jokes aside I aggree there is so much to learn and the more I learn the more I discover that I need to learn.

      “As for me, all I know is that I know nothing.” — Socrates

  2. Bookpusher (Sharon)

    Very profound question, what about why is certain cultural knowledge valued more than another, would also be interesting to pursue. The role of cross cultural communication in expanding knowledge is interesting and the impact of things like blogging on knowledge, since we are now moving towards ‘knowledge societies’, the digital world. You have me thinking, but at the moment I have more questions than answers, but I will go away pondering this.

    • Chazz Byron

      “why is certain cultural knowledge valued more than another?” I think the answer to this question comes down to society and what they want people to value.

      But I aggree I think we are moving into a ‘knowledge society’ I did try to talk about this topic on The Medium Is The Message post.

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