Top 5 Page Turners

Posted May 29, 2012 by Michael @ Knowledge Lost in Top 5 / 0 Comments

I just did a post which answered the question ‘Have you read a book that has insisted you keep turning over the page?’ and I thought it would be nice to add a Top 5 post to accompany this post with my favourite page turners. So here they are (in no particular order)

  • Talulla Rising by Glen Duncan – This was the most recent page turner that I’ve read. I was lucky enough to get this book as an ARC and I was so excited about reading this book because I considered The Last Werewolf as one of my favourites of 2011.
  • Angelmaker by Nick Harkaway – This is easily my favourite book of 2012 so far. This book may feel much like a plot for a Bond movie, but the writing feels more like Charles Dickens wrote it. The Victorian writing style mixed with the existing adventure makes this book well worth a mention.
  • Ready Player One by Ernest Cline – If you are a nerd like me that grew up in the 1980’s, you will know why this book has made this list. The novel is a nostalgic nerdfest jammed packed with 80’s pop culture references.
  • Into the Darkest Corner by Elizabeth Haynes – The book is dark and chilling; as a reader I want things to be dark and disturbing, but this even left me feeling uneasy at times. It was this darkness and the desire to know what will happen that made this book so great.
  • Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón – I would recommend this book to everyone and I get disappointed when people don’t like this book as much as I do. This book has something for everyone in this novel and, for a bibliophile like me, the extra bonus of being about books.

0 responses to “Top 5 Page Turners

  1. Mish

    Ready Player One is an amazing book and not one I would have considered reading if it wasn’t for your recommendation. I’ve never been a gamer, don’t understand it and not interested in it. But author is such great storytelling that I’m able to follow exactly what’s going on. It has occupied my thought, reminiscing about the 80’s such as music, clothes, and films
    As far as it been a page turner – yes. However with books like this (and a few other that you’ve mentioned above), I don’t like to rush it. I want to savour ever word and read parts over to ensure that I’ve captured everything. Probably the only books where I could read half of it in one sitting are crime and romance books. I’ve never read a whole book in one night  

    • Even if you haven’t read a book in one night, does the book stick with you and you can’t stop thinking about it and can’t wait to get back to reading it?

      • Mish

        I would say that this book has prompted a lot of memories this past week. Whether is will stay with me in the long run – who knows. But it has certainly been on my mind.

        I think the books that stick with me in the long run are usually the ones that touch me or I can relate to in my own personal life.

  2. I think the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon is my ultimate page turner. The Lord John Series hasn’t had the same effect on me.  I remember i started it in Biloela when we were there for a day, and filled in time at the local library. I think i read the equivalent of a normal sized book in the time we were there, and i had to track down the book when we returned home to finish it.

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