Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James

Posted May 23, 2012 by Guest Post in Erotica, Guest Posts / 20 Comments

Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. JamesTitle: Fifty Shades of Grey (Goodreads)
Author: E.L. James
Series: Fifty Shades #1
Published: Vintage, 2011
Pages: 528
Genres: Erotica
Buy: Amazon (or visit your local Indie bookstore)

I first came to hear about Fifty Shades of Grey through blog posts and friends, and couldn’t believe all the hype and excitement this book was creating amongst the reading world. It was phenomenon. I read several romances and erotica in the past so I became curious. I think the only thing that I was holding me back was the BDSM relationship. I’ve hardly read any books that involve BDSM, so I was slightly a bit nervous. But curiosity got the better of me and I decided to give it a go.

Now that I’ve read it, I’d have to say it was the worst book I have ever read and I want my 2 weeks back. When a few people mentioned that it was mommy porn, I should’ve taken their comment seriously, and not just waved it off as a silly and biased comment toward this genre. By the end of it, that is exactly how it felt.

The sex scenes were continuous, repetitive and boring; one scene, after the other, going through the motion of sex with a little variation of positions or setting but it was all the same – Porn. There was nothing sexy about it. It lacked any passion, class or emotion and I was numb the whole way through. As far as the BDSM was concerned, there was nothing new that I haven’t read previously. It was more talk and negotiation on how far Ana will go than the act itself. There were a few bondage sessions here and there but it was very light.

The writing was pathetic and utterly ridiculous, which made the characters unlikable. Ana is meant to be this intelligent, 22 year old literary student but her personality didn’t match to her persona. The constant use of these juvenile words and phrases such as ‘Inner Goddess’ or ‘talking to the Subconscious’ or ‘Holy Fuck’ almost made me want throw the book against the wall. She would gush or blush over the most so trivial things and came across as being an immature and stupid lady. It’s how I would expect a young teenager to act.

Christian on the other hand, I had an instant dislike him immediately. He’s a deranged and twisted character who likes to dominate every aspect of Ana’s life, not only in the bed; he would question her on how often she would eat, stalk her and set out rules on he would like her to act/behave around him – otherwise she would be punished (BDSM style). I felt the author tried very hard to make him seem appealing or sexy by Ana gushing and being aroused over his looks, charm, sexual comments but his behaviour was a complete turn off and he sounded creepier to me. I honestly can’t understand what women can see that is so appealing in Christian’s character!?!

All in all I think this series could be a great introduction to the genre, if you are new and interested in reading erotica as they ‘flying of the self’ and most people are raving about it. But unfortunately, it didn’t work for me and I have no intention of continuing the series in the future.

This is a guest post by Mish; when she is not reading she is busy moderating that Aussie Readers group on Goodreads. Big thanks to her for this post and being the first guest blogger on Literary Exploration.

20 responses to “Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James

  1. This book has been going around with some of my work colleagues. They are all a bit shocked and scandalized by it, but are loving it.  I think they are all a bit lame for it, but they say i can’t judge if i haven’t read it for myself.

    • Mish

      Same here Mary, a few of my friends has read the whole series and are loving it. They came to the same opinion as I have on the first book but said the 2nd & 3rd book is incredibly different – it was like it was written by different Author.
      I don’t know – I think I can put myself through another book 

  2. Brenda

    Nice to see an honest review of this book. I haven’t read it, but after speaking with a Random House rep, and getting the full low down of the three books in the series, I realized they weren’t for me…just not my type of reading material. So for those of you who enjoy it, go for it, but I’ll continue to enjoy my various genres.
    Thanks Mish for an excellent review.

    • Mish

      You’re welcome Brenda and thankyou.
      I agree. This series is not for everyone but if it works for you, I think it’s just wonderful

  3. I am so glad to see other people putting the opposing, minority view out there because the hype on these books are overwhelming. I read, and intensely disliked, the first book and like Mish have no intention of reading more in the series! The inner goddess thing drove me absolutely nuts and the writing wasn’t great. 

    As a romance reader, it does interest me to see all these women who wouldn’t normally be seen dead reading romance buying these books. I have been trying to figure out what it that made these books go global, but I just can’t see it. Word of mouth initially started the buzz and it has taken off from there. Whatever it is, I bet there are tons of authors out there who could figure out how to get the same kind of hype going for their books!

    • Mish

      I have not idea why Marg.
      The thing I will say is that I did find the concept intriguing (before going into it) and even though I thought it was written poorly, it was pretty easy to read. Perhaps other people and/or non romance readers felt the same too

  4. I have to admit Mish I am not the least bit interested in reading this though I probably will at some point. It deserves some kudos for getting people reading who otherwise don’t if nothing else

  5. […] we hear people talking about a book getting a publishing deal and going on to be hugely successful. Fifty Shades of Grey being the first of these, then came Wool and I believe The Martian will be the next sensation […]

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