Title: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Goodreads)
Author: Lewis Carroll
Published: Penguin, 1889
Pages: 239
Genres: Childrens, Classic
My Copy: Personal Copy
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One thing I think Lewis Carroll did right in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was the way he wrote a book suitable for kids and still enjoyable for adults. The characters in the book are so amazing that you can’t help but fall in love with them. Stand out characters for me included the philosophical Cheshire Cat and the melancholy Mock Turtle. The whole story was witty and full of amusing puns and is considered one of the best examples of literary nonsense. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland overall is an enjoyable, well written and constructed tale and a surprisingly enjoyable book to read. I could possibly go on about the philosophy, the homages, or even the reflects to English society in the 19th century; but I will leave all that for the comments below. Read the book, enjoy the book and discuses the book. I really think this is one of those brilliant books that has so many elements worth discussing.
I love the way it’s constructed, as well – Alice is one of the best examples I know of a world that creates its own logic – everything is fantastical, yet it all hangs together within itself, not like weaker works that are quirky just for the sake of being quirkly.
Within its nonsensical pages, there is so much sense and wisdom:
“Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”
“If everybody minded their own business, the world would go around a great deal faster than it does.”
The nonsensical wisdom really made this book so enjoyable
I loved the Mock Turtle’s story, I think that was some of the wittiest stuff in the book.
It was defiantly the wittiest stuff I’ve read in a long time
[…] Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll […]