The first 6 months of 2011 went really quickly. I don’t think I got a chance to write a blog post every week but I was really impressed with myself and what did end up on my blog. A few interesting miniseries showed up over the past six month, including a look at Picasso with Picasso – The Icon Breaker & Guernica; Picasso’s Masterpiece. The highlight for me was my Romantic period series; A Quest for Liberty, The Romantic Bond With Nature and then the quick look at the three most known romantics; The Romantic Brooder, The Romantic Bad-Boy & The Romantic Celebrity.
In regards to popularity with the readers, here were the top 5 posts;
5. Autodidact Vs. Higher Education 4. What is Wrong with Dark YA Novels? 3. What is a Cult Book? 2. My Literary Wall of Shame 1. What Would You Read in an Introduction to Fiction Course?As for my reading goals for the year, I’ve been working through some really amazing books and I would recommend the following books, based on what I read in the past six months;
5. Before I Go To Sleep by S.J. Watson (2011) 4. Super Sad True Love Story by Gary Shteyngart (2010) 3. The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón (2006) 2. Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier (1938) 1. Catch-22 by Joseph Heller (1961)I’m really happy with how this year has been going for my blog, I know there has been a bit of a focus on Literature lately, but I hope no one is thinking I’m neglecting a topic. I write a topic based on what has been on my mind and what I’ve been learning so you may get batches of one topic. I do except a lot more to do with literature in the future but I won’t neglect the other subjects; I promise. Is there a particular topic you would like to see here? Anyone interested in doing a post for this blog?